Privacy Policy

Offline Quotes & Captions Privacy Policy

Offline Quotes & Captions Privacy Policy

Effective Date: June/13/2023

1. Information Collection and Use

1.1. Personal Information

The App does not collect any personal information from users.

1.2. Non-Personal Information

The App may collect non-personal information, including but not limited to:

  • Device Information: The App may collect device information, such as the device model, operating system version, and unique device identifiers. This information is used to ensure compatibility and improve the overall user experience.
  • Usage Data: The App may collect usage data, such as app features accessed, session duration, and interaction with advertisements. This information is used for analytical purposes to improve the performance, features, and user experience of the App.

2. Third-Party Services

The App utilizes the following third-party services:

  • Google Ads: The App uses Google Ads to display advertisements. Google Ads may collect certain information about users for the purpose of delivering personalized ads. Please refer to Google's Privacy Policy for more information on how they handle user data.
  • Firebase Analytics: The App integrates Firebase Analytics to analyze user interactions and app performance. Firebase Analytics collects and analyzes aggregated and anonymized data to help improve the App. For more information, please review Google's Privacy Policy.
  • Firebase Crashlytics: The App uses Firebase Crashlytics to track and analyze app crashes and errors. Crashlytics may collect certain information about users' devices and app usage. This data is used to identify and fix issues in the App. Please refer to Google's Privacy Policy for further details.
  • Google Play Services: The App utilizes certain features of Google Play Services to enhance functionality and provide a seamless user experience. The collection and handling of user data by Google Play Services are governed by Google's Privacy Policy.

3. Data Security

Offline Quotes & Captions takes reasonable measures to protect the personal information of its users. However, no method of transmission or storage is completely secure, and the App cannot guarantee the absolute security of user data. Users should be aware that any information shared with the App is done at their own risk.

4. Quotes and Captions

The App sources quotes and captions from open-source websites and public domain content. While the App strives to provide accurate and attributed content, it is possible that some quotes may be subject to copyright or intellectual property rights. The App adds its own unique descriptions, interpretations, or commentary to the quotes and captions to provide original content and avoid any copyright claims. Users are advised to use the quotes and captions responsibly and should seek permission or proper attribution for any copyrighted material they wish to use outside the App.

5. User Rights and Choices

Users have the following rights and choices regarding their information:

  • Access: Users can request access to the non-personal information collected by the App.
  • Opt-out: Users can opt-out of the collection of non-personal information by disabling relevant permissions on their device or uninstalling the App.
  • Data Deletion: Users can request the deletion of their non-personal information collected by the App.

6. Copyright Disclaimer

"All images are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The background images used in the app are sourced from Pixabay. It should be noted that this particular image does not have the explicit endorsement of any respective owner. These images are solely utilized for informational purposes. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon within our application, kindly contact us at, providing the necessary information regarding content ownership. We will promptly address your concerns and respond accordingly."

7. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the App, please contact us at:


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